

The DDS specification defines a way to build distributed applications using a data-centric publish and subscribe model. In this model, publishing and subscribing applications communicate via Topics and each Topic has a data type. An assumption built into this model is that all applications agree on data type definitions for each Topic that they use. This assumption is not practical as systems must be able to evolve while remaining compatible and interoperable.

The DDS XTypes (Extensible and Dynamic Topic Types) specification loosens the requirement on applications to have a common notion of data types. Using XTypes, the application developer adds IDL annotations that indicate where the types may vary between publisher and subscriber and how those variations are handled by the middleware.

OpenDDS implements the XTypes specification at the Basic Conformance level, with a partial implementation of the Dynamic Language Binding. Some features described by the specification are not yet implemented in OpenDDS - those are noted in Unimplemented Features. This includes IDL annotations that are not yet implemented (Annotations). See Differences from the specification for situations where the implementation of XTypes in OpenDDS departs from or infers something about the specification. Specification issues have been raised for these situations.



There are 3 kinds of extensibility for types:


Appendable denotes a constructed type which may have additional members added onto or removed from the end, but not both at the same time. Appendable is the default extensibility. A type can be explicitly marked as appendable with the @appendable annotation.


Mutable denotes a constructed type that allows for members to be added, removed, and reordered so long as the keys and the required members of the sender and receiver remain. Mutable extensibility is accomplished by assigning a stable identifier to each member. A type can be marked as mutable with the @mutable annotation.


Final denotes a constructed type that can not add, remove, or reorder members. This can be considered a non-extensible constructed type, with behavior similar to that of a type created before XTypes. A type can be marked as final with the @final annotation.

The default extensibility can be changed with opendds_idl --default-extensibility.

Structs, unions, and enums are the only types which can use any of the extensibilities.

The default extensibility for enums is “appendable” and is not governed by --default-extensibility. TypeObjects for received enums that do not set any flags are treated as a wildcard.


Assignability describes the ability of values of one type to be coerced to values of a possibility different type.

Assignability between the type of a writer and reader is checked as part of discovery. If the types are assignable but not identical, then the “try construct” mechanism will be used to coerce values of the writer’s type to values of the reader’s type.

In order for two constructed types to be assignable they must

  • Have the same extensibility.

  • Have the same set of keys.

Each member of a constructed type has an identifier. This identifier may be assigned automatically or explicitly.

Union assignability depends on two dimensions. First, unions are only assignable if their discriminators are assignable. Second, for any branch label or default that exists in both unions, the members selected by that branch label must be assignable.

Interoperability with non-XTypes Implementations#

Communication with a non-XTypes DDS (either an older OpenDDS or another DDS implementation which has RTPS but not XTypes 1.2+) requires compatible IDL types and the use of RTPS Discovery. Compatible IDL types means that the types are structurally equivalent and serialize to the same bytes using XCDR version 1.

Additionally, the XTypes-enabled participant needs to be set up as follows:

  • Types cannot use mutable extensibility

  • Data Writers must have their Data Representation QoS policy set to DDS::XCDR_DATA_REPRESENTATION

  • Data Readers must include DDS::XCDR_DATA_REPRESENTATION in the list of data representations in their Data Representation QoS (true by default)

Data Representation shows how to change the data representation. XCDR1 Support details XCDR1 support.

Dynamic Language Binding#

Before the XTypes specification, all DDS applications worked by mapping the topic’s data type directly into the programming language and having the data handling APIs such as read, write, and take, all defined in terms of that type. As an example, topic type A (an IDL structure) caused code generation of IDL interfaces ADataWriter and ADataReader while topic type B generated IDL interfaces BDataWriter and BDataReader. If an application attempted to pass an object of type A to the BDataWriter, a compile-time error would occur (at least for statically typed languages including C++ and Java). Advantages to this design include efficiency and static type safety, however, the code generation required by this approach is not desirable for every DDS application.

The XTypes Dynamic Language Binding defines a generic data container DynamicData and the interfaces DynamicDataWriter and DynamicDataReader. Applications can create instances of DynamicDataWriter and DynamicDataReader that work with various topics in the domain without needing to incorporate the generated code for those topics’ data types. The system is still type safe but the type checks occur at runtime instead of at compile time. The Dynamic Language Binding is described in detail in Dynamic Language Binding.

Examples and Explanation#

Suppose you are in charge of deploying a set of weather stations that publish temperature, pressure, and humidity. The following examples show how various features of XTypes may be applied to address changes in the schema published by the weather station. Specifically, without XTypes, one would either need to create a new type with its own DataWriters/DataReaders or update all applications simultaneously. With proper planning and XTypes, one can simply modify the existing type (within limits) and writers and readers using earlier versions of the topic type will remain compatible with each other and be compatible with writers and readers using new versions of the topic type.

Mutable Extensibility#

The type published by the weather stations can be made extensible with the @mutable annotation:

// Version 1
struct StationData {
  short temperature;
  double pressure;
  double humidity;

Suppose that some time in the future, a subset of the weather stations are upgraded to monitor wind speed and direction:

enum WindDir {N, NE, NW, S, SE, SW, W, E};
// Version 2
struct StationData {
  short temperature;
  double pressure;
  double humidity;
  short wind_speed;
  WindDir wind_direction;

When a Version 2 writer interacts with a Version 1 reader, the additional fields will be ignored by the reader. When a Version 1 writer interacts with a Version 2 reader, the additional fields will be initialized to a “logical zero” value for its type (empty string, FALSE boolean) - see Table 9 of the XTypes specification for details.


The first and second versions of the StationData type are assignable meaning that it is possible to construct a version 2 value from a version 1 value and vice-versa. The assignability of non-constructed types (e.g., integers, enums, strings) is based on the types being identical or identical up to parameterization, i.e., bounds of strings and sequences may differ. The assignability of constructed types like structs and unions is based on finding corresponding members with assignable types. Corresponding members are those that have the same id.

A type marked as @mutable allows for members to be added, removed, or reordered so long as member ids are preserved through all of the mutations.

Member IDs#

Member ids are assigned using various annotations. A policy for a type can be set with either @autoid(SEQUENTIAL) or @autoid(HASH):

// Version 3
struct StationData {
  short temperature;
  double pressure;
  double humidity;

// Version 4
struct StationData {
  short temperature;
  double pressure;
  double humidity;

SEQUENTIAL causes ids to be assigned based on the position in the type. HASH causes ids to be computed by hashing the name of the member. If no @autoid annotation is specified, the policy is SEQUENTIAL.

Suppose that Version 3 was used in the initial deployment of the weather stations and the decision was made to switch to @autoid(HASH) when adding the new fields for wind speed and direction. In this case, the ids of the pre-existing members can be set with @id:

enum WindDir {N, NE, NW, S, SE, SW, W, E};

// Version 5
struct StationData {
  @id(0) short temperature;
  @id(1) double pressure;
  @id(2) double humidity;
  short wind_speed;
  WindDir wind_direction;

See the Member ID assignment for more details.

Appendable Extensibility#

Mutable extensibility requires a certain amount of overhead both in terms of processing and network traffic. A more efficient but less flexible form of extensibility is appendable Appendable is limited in that members can only be added to or removed from the end of the type. With appendable, the initial version of the weather station IDL would be:

// Version 6
struct StationData {
  short temperature;
  double pressure;
  double humidity;

And the subsequent addition of the wind speed and direction members would be:

enum WindDir {N, NE, NW, S, SE, SW, W, E};

// Version 7
struct StationData {
  short temperature;
  double pressure;
  double humidity;
  short wind_speed;
  WindDir wind_direction;

As with mutable, when a Version 7 Writer interacts with a Version 6 Reader, the additional fields will be ignored by the reader. When a Version 6 Writer interacts with a Version 7 Reader, the additional fields will be initialized to default values based on Table 9 of the XTypes specification.

Appendable is the default extensibility.

Final Extensibility#

The third kind of extensibility is final. Annotating a type with @final means that it will not be compatible with (assignable to/from) a type that is structurally different. The @final annotation can be used to define types for pre-XTypes compatibility or in situations where the overhead of mutable or appendable is unacceptable.

Try Construct#

From a reader’s perspective, there are three possible scenarios when attempting to initialize a member. First, the member type is identical to the member type of the reader. This is the trivial case the value from the writer is copied to the value for the reader. Second, the writer does not have the member. In this case, the value for the reader is initialized to a default value based on Table 9 of the XTypes specification (this is the “logical zero” value for the type). Third, the type offered by the writer is assignable but not identical to the type required by the reader. In this case, the reader must try to construct its value from the corresponding value provided by the writer.

Suppose that the weather stations also publish a topic containing station information:

typedef string<8> StationID;
typedef string<256> StationName;

// Version 1
struct StationInfo {
  @try_construct(TRIM) StationID station_id;
  StationName station_name;

Eventually, the pool of station IDs is exhausted so the IDL must be refined as follows:

typedef string<16> StationID;
typedef string<256> StationName;

// Version 2
struct StationInfo {
  @try_construct(TRIM) StationID station_id;
  StationName station_name;

If a Version 2 writer interacts with a Version 1 reader, the station ID will be truncated to 8 characters. While perhaps not ideal, it will still allow the systems to interoperate.

There are two other forms of try-construct behavior. Fields marked as @try_construct(USE_DEFAULT) will receive a default value if value construction fails. In the previous example, this means the reader would receive an empty string for the station ID if it exceeds 8 characters. Fields marked as @try_construct(DISCARD) cause the entire sample to be discarded. In the previous example, the Version 1 reader will never see a sample from a Version 2 writer where the original station ID contains more than 8 characters. @try_construct(DISCARD) is the default behavior.

Data Representation#

Data representation is the way a data sample can be encoded for transmission. Writers can only encode samples using one data representation, but readers can accept multiple data representations. Data representation can be XML, XCDR1, XCDR2, or unaligned CDR.


This isn’t currently supported and will be ignored.

The DataRepresentationId_t value is DDS::XML_DATA_REPRESENTATION

The annotation is @OpenDDS::data_representation(XML).


This is the pre-XTypes standard CDR extended with XTypes features. Support is limited to non-XTypes features, see XCDR1 Support for details.

The DataRepresentationId_t value is DDS::XCDR_DATA_REPRESENTATION

The annotation is @OpenDDS::data_representation(XCDR1).


This is default for writers when using the RTPS-UDP transport and should be preferred in most cases. It is a more robust and efficient version of XCDR1.

The DataRepresentationId_t value is DDS::XCDR2_DATA_REPRESENTATION

The annotation is @OpenDDS::data_representation(XCDR2).

Unaligned CDR

This is a OpenDDS-specific encoding that is the default for writers using only non-RTPS-UDP transports. It can’t be used by a DataWriter using the RTPS-UDP transport.

The DataRepresentationId_t value is OpenDDS::DCPS::UNALIGNED_CDR_DATA_REPRESENTATION

The annotation is @OpenDDS::data_representation(UNALIGNED_CDR).

Data representation is a QoS policy alongside the other QoS options. Its listed values represent allowed serialized forms of the data sample. The DataWriter and DataReader need to have at least one matching data representation for communication between them to be possible.

The default value of the DataRepresentationQosPolicy is an empty sequence. For RTPS-UDP this is interpreted as XCDR2 for DataWriters and accepting XCDR1 and XCDR2 for DataReaders. For other transports it’s interpreted as Unaligned CDR for DataWriters and accepting XCDR1, XCDR2, and Unaligned CDR for DataReaders. A writer or reader without an explicitly-set DataRepresentationQosPolicy will therefore be able to communicate with another reader or writer which is compatible with XCDR2. The example below shows a possible configuration for an XCDR1 DataWriter.

DDS::DataWriterQos qos;
qos.representation.value[0] = DDS::XCDR_DATA_REPRESENTATION;
DDS::DataWriter_var dw = pub->create_datawriter(topic, qos, 0, 0);

Note that the IDL constant used for XCDR1 is XCDR_DATA_REPRESENTATION (without the digit).

In addition to a DataWriter/DataReader QoS setting for data representation, each type defined in IDL can have its own data representation specified via an annotation. This value restricts which data representations can be used for that type. A DataWriter/DataReader must have at least one data representation in common with the type it uses.

The default value for an unspecified data representation annotation is to allow all forms of serialization.

The type’s set of allowed data representations can be specified by the user in IDL with the notation: @OpenDDS::data_representation(XCDR2) where XCDR2 is replaced with the specific data representation.

Type Consistency Enforcement#


The Type Consistency Enforcement QoS policy lets the application fine-tune details of how types may differ between writers and readers. The policy only applies to data readers. This means that each reader can set its own policy for how its type may vary from the types of the writers that it may match.

There are six members of the TypeConsistencyEnforcementQosPolicy struct defined by XTypes, but OpenDDS only supports setting one of them: ignore_member_names. All other members should be kept at their default values.

ignore_member_names defaults to FALSE so member names (along with member IDs, see Member ID assignment) are significant for type compatibility. Changing this to TRUE means that only member IDs are used for type compatibility.

Type Compatibility#

When a reader/writer match is happening, type consistency enforcement checks that the two types are compatible according to the type objects if they are available. This check will not happen if OpenDDS has been configured not to generate or use type objects or if the remote DDS doesn’t support type objects. The full type object compatibility check is too detailed to reproduce here. It can be found in DDS XTypes v1.3 7.2.4 Type Compatibility. In general though two topic types and their nested types are compatible if:

  • Extensibilities of shared types match

  • Extensibility rules haven’t been broken, for example:

    • Changing a @final struct

    • Adding a member in the middle of an @appendable struct

  • Length bounds of strings and sequences are the same or greater

  • Lengths of arrays are exactly the same

  • The keys of the types match exactly

  • Shared member IDs match when required, like when they are final or are being used as keys

If the type objects are compatible then the match goes ahead. If one or both type objects are not available, then OpenDDS falls back to checking the names each entity’s TypeSupport was given. This is the name passed to the register_type method of a TypeSupport object or if that string is empty then the name of the topic type in IDL.

An interesting side effect of these rules is when type objects are always available, then the topic type names passed to register_type are only used within that process. This means they can be changed and remote readers and writers will still match, assuming the new name is used consistently within the process and the types are still compatible.

IDL Annotations#

Indicating Which Types Can Be Topic Types#


Applies To: struct or union type declarations

The topic annotation marks a topic type for samples to be transmitted from a publisher or received by a subscriber. A topic type may contain other topic and non-topic types. See Defining Data Types with IDL for more details.


Applies To: struct or union type declarations

The @nested annotation marks a type that will always be contained within another. This can be used to prevent a type from being used as in a topic. One reason to do so is to reduce the amount of code generated for that type.


Applies To: modules

The @default_nested(TRUE) or @default_nested(FALSE) sets the default nesting behavior for a module. Types within a module marked with @default_nested(FALSE) can still set their own behavior with @nested.

Specifying allowed Data Representations#

If there are @OpenDDS::data_representation annotations are on the topic type, then the representations are limited to ones the specified in the annotations, otherwise all representations are allowed. Trying to create a reader or writer with the disallowed representations will result in an error. See Data Representation for more information.


Applies To: topic types

Limitations: XML is not currently supported


Applies To: topic types

Limitations: XCDR1 doesn’t support XTypes features See Data Representation for details


Applies To: topic types

XCDR2 is currently the recommended data representation for most cases.


Applies To: topic types

Limitations: OpenDDS specific, can’t be used with RTPS-UDP, and doesn’t support XTypes features See Data Representation for details

Standard @data_representation#

tao_idl doesn’t support bitset, which the standard @data_representation requires. Instead use @OpenDDS::data_representation which is similar, but doesn’t support bitmask value chaining like @data_representation(XCDR|XCDR2). The equivalent would require two separate annotations:


Determining Extensibility#

The extensibility annotations can explicitly define the extensibility of a type. If no extensibility annotation is used, then the type will have the default extensibility. This will be appendable unless the opendds_idl --default-extensibility is used to override the default.


Alias: @extensibility(MUTABLE)

Applies To: type declarations

This annotation indicates a type may have non-key or non-must-understand members removed. It may also have additional members added.


Alias: @extensibility(APPENDABLE)

Applies To: type declarations

This annotation indicates a type may have additional members added or members at the end of the type removed.

Limitations: Appendable is not currently supported when XCDR1 is used as the data representation.


Alias: @extensibility(FINAL)

Applies To: type declarations

This annotation marks a type that cannot be changed and still be compatible. Final is most similar to pre-XTypes.

Customizing XTypes per-member#

Try Construct annotations dictate how members of one object should be converted from members of a different but assignable object. If no try construct annotation is added, it will default to discard.


Applies to: structure and union members, sequence and array elements

The use_default try construct annotation will set the member whose deserialization failed to a default value which is determined by the XTypes specification. Sequences will be of length 0, with the same type as the original sequence. Primitives will be set equal to 0. Strings will be replaced with the empty string. Arrays will be of the same length but have each element set to the default value. Enums will be set to the first enumerator defined.


Applies to: structure and union members, sequence and array elements

The trim try construct annotation will, if possible, shorten a received value to one fitting the receiver’s bound. As such, trim only makes logical sense on bounded strings and bounded sequences.


Applies to: structure and union members, sequence and array elements

The discard try construct annotation will “throw away” the sample if an element fails to deserialize.

Member ID assignment#

If no explicit id annotation is used, then member IDs will automatically be assigned sequentially.


Applies to: structure and union members

value is an unsigned 32-bit integer which assigns that member’s ID.


Applies to: module declarations, structure declarations, union declarations

The autoid annotation can take two values, HASH or SEQUENTIAL. SEQUENTIAL states that the identifier shall be computed by incrementing the preceding one. HASH states that the identifier should be calculated with a hashing algorithm - the input to this hash is the member’s name. HASH is the default value of @autoid.


Applies to: structure and union members

The @hashid sets the identifier to the hash of the value parameter, if one is specified. If the value parameter is omitted or is the empty string, the member’s name is used as if it was the value.

Determining the Key Fields of a Type#


Applies to: structure members, union discriminator

The @key annotation marks a member used to determine the Instances of a topic type. See Keys for more details on the general concept of a Key. For XTypes specifically, two types can only be compatible if each contains the members that are keys within the other.

Dynamic Language Binding#

For an overview of the Dynamic Language Binding, see Dynamic Language Binding. This section describes the features of the Dynamic Language Binding that OpenDDS supports.

There are two main usage patterns supported:

To use DynamicDataWriter and/or DynamicDataReader for a given topic, the data type definition for that topic must be available to the local DomainParticipant. There are a few ways this can be achieved, see Obtaining DynamicType and Registering TypeSupport for details.

Representing Types with TypeObject and DynamicType#

In XTypes, the types of the peers may not be identical, as in the case of appendable or mutable extensibility. In order for a peer to be aware of its remote peer’s type, there must be a way for the remote peer to communicate its type. TypeObject is an alternative to IDL for representing types, and one of the purposes of TypeObject is to communicate the peers’ types.

There are two classes of TypeObject: MinimalTypeObject and CompleteTypeObject. A MinimalTypeObject object contains minimal information about the type that is sufficient for a peer to perform type compatibility checking. However, MinimalTypeObject may not contain all information about the type as represented in the corresponding user IDL file. In cases where the complete information about the type is required, CompleteTypeObject should be used. When XTypes is enabled, peers communicate their TypeObject information during the discovery process automatically. Internally, the local and received TypeObjects are stored in a TypeLookupService object, which is shared between the entities in the same DomainParticipant.

In the Dynamic Language Binding, each type is represented using a DynamicType object, which has a TypeDescriptor object that describes all the information needed to correctly process the type. Likewise, each member in a type is represented using a DynamicTypeMember object, which has a MemberDescriptor object that describes any information needed to correctly process the type member. DynamicType is converted from the corresponding CompleteTypeObject internally by the system.

Enabling Use of CompleteTypeObjects#

To enable use of CompleteTypeObjects needed for the dynamic binding, they must be generated and OpenDDS must be configured to use them. To generate them, use opendds_idl -Gxtypes-complete. For MPC, this can be done by adding this to the opendds_idl arguments for idl files in the project, like this:

TypeSupport_Files {
  dcps_ts_flags += -Gxtypes-complete

To do the same for CMake:

  OPENDDS_IDL_OPTIONS -Gxtypes-complete

Once set up to be generated, OpenDDS has to be configured to send and receive the CompleteTypeObjects. This can be done by setting the UseXTypes RTPS discovery configuration option (Configuring for DDSI-RTPS Discovery) or programmatically using the OpenDDS::RTPS::RtpsDiscovery::use_xtypes() setter methods.

Interpreting Data Samples with DynamicData#

Together with DynamicType, DynamicData allows users to interpret a received data sample and read individual fields from it. Each DynamicData object is associated with a type, represented by a DynamicType object, and the data corresponding to an instance of that type. Consider the following example:

struct NestedStruct {
  @id(1) short s_field;

struct MyStruct {
  @id(1) long l_field;
  @id(2) unsigned short us_field;
  @id(3) float f_field;
  @id(4) NestedStruct nested_field;
  @id(5) sequence<unsigned long> ul_seq_field;
  @id(6) double d_field[10];

The samples for MyStruct are written by a normal, statically-typed DataWriter. The writer application needs to have the IDL-generated code including the “complete” form of TypeObjects. Use a command-line option to opendds_idl to enable CompleteTypeObjects since the default is to generate MinimalTypeObjects (opendds_idl Command Line Options).

One way to obtain a DynamicData object representing a data sample received by the participant is using the Recorder and RecorderListener classes (Recorder and Replayer). Recorder’s get_dynamic_data can be used to construct a DynamicData object for each received sample from the writer. Internally, the CompleteTypeObjects received from discovering that writer are converted to DynamicTypes and they are then used to construct the DynamicData objects. Once a DynamicData object for a MyStruct sample is constructed, its members can be read as described in the following sections. Another way to obtain a DynamicData object is from a DynamicDataReader (Creating and Using a DynamicDataWriter or DynamicDataReader).

Reading Basic Types#

DynamicData provides methods for reading members whose types are basic such as integers, floating point numbers, characters, boolean. See the XTypes specification for a complete list of basic types for which DynamicData provides an interface. To call a correct method for reading a member, we need to know the type of the member as well as its id. For our example, we first want to get the number of members that the sample contains. In these examples, the data object is an instance of DynamicData.

DDS::UInt32 count = data.get_item_count();

Then, each member’s id can be read with get_member_id_at_index. The input for this function is the index of the member in the sample, which can take a value from 0 to count - 1.

XTypes::MemberId id = data.get_member_id_at_index(0);

The MemberDescriptor for the corresponding member then can be obtained as follows.

XTypes::MemberDescriptor md;
DDS::ReturnCode_t ret = data.get_descriptor(md, id);

The returned MemberDescriptor allows us to know the type of the member. Suppose id is 1, meaning that the member at index 0 is l_field, we now can get its value.

DDS::Int32 int32_value;
ret = data.get_int32_value(int32_value, id);

After the call, int32_value contains the value of the member l_field from the sample. The method returns DDS::RETCODE_OK if successful.

Similarly, suppose we have already found out the types and ids of the members us_field and f_field, their values can be read as follows.

DDS::UInt16 uint16_value;
ret = data.get_uint16_value(uint16_value, 2); // Get the value of us_field
DDS::Float32 float32_value;
ret = data.get_float32_value(float32_value, 3); // Get the value of f_field

Reading Collections of Basic Types#

Besides a list of methods for getting values of members of basic types, DynamicData also defines methods for reading sequence members. In particular, for each method that reads value from a basic type, there is a counterpart that reads a sequence of the same basic type. For instance, get_int32_value reads the value from a member of type int32/long, and get_int32_values reads the value from a member of type sequence<int32>. For the member ul_seq_field in our example, its value can be read as follows.

DDS::UInt32Seq my_ul_seq;
ret = data.get_uint32_values(my_ul_seq, id); // id is 5

Because ul_seq_field is a sequence of unsigned 32-bit integers, the get_uint32_values method is used. Again, the second argument is the id of the requested member, which is 5 for ul_seq_field. When successful, my_ul_seq contains values of all elements of the member ul_seq_field in the sample.

To get the values of the array member d_field, we first need to create a separate DynamicData object for it, and then read individual elements of the array using the new DynamicData object.

XTypes::DynamicData array_data;
DDS::ReturnCode_t ret = data.get_complex_value(array_data, id); // id is 6

const DDS::UInt32 num_items = array_data.get_item_count();
for (DDS::UInt32 i = 0; i < num_items; ++i) {
  const XTypes::MemberId my_id = array_data.get_member_id_at_index(i);
  DDS::Float64 my_double;
  ret = array_data.get_float64_value(my_double, my_id);

In the example code above, get_item_count returns the number of elements of the array. Inside the for loop, the index of each element is converted to an id within the array using get_member_id_at_index. Then, this id is used to read the element’s value into my_double. Note that the second parameter of the interfaces provided by DynamicData must be the id of the requested member. In case of collection, elements are considered members of the collection. However, the collection element doesn’t have a member id. And thus, we need to convert its index into an id before calling a get_*_value (or get_*_values) method.

Reading Members of More Complex Types#

For a more complex member such as a nested structure or union, the discussed DynamicData methods are not suitable. And thus, users first need to get a new DynamicData object that represents the sole data of the member with get_complex_value. This new DynamicData object can then be used to get the values of the inner members of the nested member. For example, a DynamicData object for the nested_field member of the MyStruct sample can be obtained as follows.

XTypes::DynamicData nested_data;
DDS::ReturnCode_t ret = data.get_complex_value(nested_data, id); // id is 4

Recall that nested_field has type NestedStruct which has one member s_field with id 1. Now the value of s_field can be read from nested_data using get_int16_value, since s_field has type short.

DDS::Int16 my_short;
ret = nested_data.get_int16_value(my_short, id); // id is 1

The get_complex_value method is also suitable for any other cases where the value of a member cannot be read directly using the get_*_value or get_*_values methods. As an example, suppose we have a struct MyStruct2 defined as follows.

struct MyStruct2 {
  @id(1) sequence<NestedStruct> seq_field;

And suppose we already have a DynamicData object, called data, that represents a sample of MyStruct2. To read the individual elements of seq_field, we first get a new DynamicData object for the seq_field member.

XTypes::DynamicData seq_data;
DDS::ReturnCode_t ret = data.get_complex_value(seq_data, id); // id is 1

Since the elements of seq_field are structures, for each of them we create another new DynamicData object to represent it, which can be used to read its member.

const DDS::UInt32 num_elems = seq_data.get_item_count();
for (DDS::UInt32 i = 0; i < num_elems; ++i) {
  const XTypes::MemberId my_id = seq_data.get_member_id_at_index(i);
  XTypes::DynamicData elem_data; // Represent each element.
  ret = seq_data.get_complex_value(elem_data, my_id);
  DDS::Int16 my_short;
  ret = elem_data.get_int16_value(my_short, 1);

Populating Data Samples With DynamicData#

DynamicData objects can be created by the application and populated with data so that they can be used as data samples which are written to a DynamicDataWriter (Creating and Using a DynamicDataWriter or DynamicDataReader).

To create a DynamicData object, use the DynamicDataFactory API defined by the XTypes spec:

DDS::DynamicData_var dynamic =

Like other data types defined by IDL interfaces (for example, the *TypeSupportImpl types), the “dynamic” object’s lifetime is managed with a smart pointer - in this case DDS::DynamicData_var.

The “type” input parameter to create_data() is an object that implements the DDS::DynamicType interface. The DynamicType representation of any type that’s supported as a topic data type is available from its corresponding TypeSupport object (Obtaining DynamicType and Registering TypeSupport) using the get_type() operation. Once the application has access to that top-level type, the DynamicType interface can be used to obtain complete information about the type including nested and referenced data types. See the file dds/DdsDynamicData.idl in OpenDDS for the definition of the DynamicType and related interfaces.

Once the application has created the DynamicData object, it can be populated with data members of any type. The operations used for this include the DynamicData operations named “set_*” for the various data types. They are analogous to the “get_*” operations that are described in Interpreting Data Samples with DynamicData. When populating the DynamicData of complex data types, use get_complex_value() (Reading Members of More Complex Types) to navigate from DynamicData representing containing types to DynamicData representing contained types.

Setting the value of a member of a DynamicData union using a set_* method implicitly 1) activates the branch corresponding to the member and 2) sets the discriminator to a value corresponding to the active branch. After a branch has been activated, the value of the discriminator can be changed using a set_* method. However, the new value of the discriminator must correspond to the active branch. To set the discriminator, use DISCRIMINATOR_ID as the member id for the call to set_* (see dds/DCPS/XTypes/TypeObject.h).

Unions start in an “empty” state meaning that no branch is active. At the point of serialization, the middleware will treat an empty union according to the following procedure. The discriminator is assumed to have the default value for the discriminator type and all members are assumed to have the default value for their type. There are three possibilities. First, the discriminator selects a non-default branch in which case the serialized union will have the default discriminator value and the default value for the implicitly selected member; Second, the discriminator selects a default branch in which case the serialized union will have the default discriminator value and the default value for the default branch member. Third, the discriminator selects no branch (and a default branch is not defined) in which case the serialized union will have the default discriminator only.

DynamicDataWriters and DynamicDataReaders#

DynamicDataWriters and DataReaders are designed to work like any other DataWriter and DataReader except that their APIs are defined in terms of the DynamicData type instead of a type generated from IDL. Each DataWriter and DataReader has an associated Topic and that Topic has a data type (represented by a TypeSupport object). Behavior related to keys, QoS policies, discovery and built-in topics, DDS Security, and transport is not any different for a DynamicDataWriter or DataReader. One exception is that in the current implementation, Content-Subscription Profile is not supported for DynamicDataWriters and DataReaders.

Obtaining DynamicType and Registering TypeSupport#

OpenDDS currently supports two usage patterns for obtaining a TypeSupport object that can be used with the Dynamic Language Binding:

  • Dynamically load a library that has the IDL-generated code

  • Get the DynamicType of a peer DomainParticipant that has CompleteTypeObjects

The XTypes specification also describes how an application can construct a new type at runtime, but this is not yet implemented in OpenDDS.

To use a shared library (*.dll on Windows, *.so on Linux, *.dylib on macOS, etc.) as a type support plug-in, an application simply needs to load the library into its process. This can be done with the ACE cross-platform support library that OpenDDS itself uses, or using a platform-specific function like LoadLibrary or dlopen. The application code does not need to include any generated headers from this IDL. This makes the type support library a true plug-in, meaning it can be loaded into an application that had no knowledge of it when that application was built.

Once the shared library is loaded, an internal singleton class in OpenDDS called Registered_Data_Types can be used to obtain a reference to the TypeSupport object.

DDS::TypeSupport_var ts_static = Registered_Data_Types->lookup(0, "TypeName");

This TypeSupport object ts_static is not registered with the DomainParticipant and is not set up for the Dynamic Language Binding. But, crucially, it does have the DynamicType object that we’ll need to set up a second TypeSupport object which is registered with the DomainParticipant.

DDS::DynamicType_var type = ts_static->get_type();
DDS::DynamicTypeSupport_var ts_dynamic = new DynamicTypeSupport(type);
DDS::ReturnCode_t ret = ts_dynamic->register_type(participant, "");

Now the type support object ts_dynamic can be used in the usual DataWriter/DataReader setup sequence (creating a Topic first, etc.) but the created DataWriters and DataReaders will be DynamicDataWriters and DynamicDataReaders (Creating and Using a DynamicDataWriter or DynamicDataReader).

The other approach to obtaining TypeSupport objects for use with the Dynamic Language Binding is to have DDS discovery’s built-in endpoints get TypeObjects from remote domain participants. To do this, use the get_dynamic_type method on the singleton Service_Participant object.

DDS::DynamicType_var type; // NOTE: passed by reference below
DDS::ReturnCode_t ret = TheServiceParticipant->get_dynamic_type(type, participant, key);

The two input parameters to get_dynamic_type are the participant (an object reference to the DomainParticipant that will be used to register our TypeSupport and create Topics, DataWriters, and/or DataReders) and the key which is the DDS::BuiltinTopicKey_t that identifies the remote entity which has the data type that we’ll use. This key can be obtained from the Built-In Publications topic (which identifies remote DataWriters) or the Built-In Subscriptions topic (which identifies remote DataReaders). See Built-In Topics for details on using the Built-In Topics.

The type obtained from get_dynamic_type can be used to create and register a TypeSupport object.

DDS::DynamicTypeSupport_var ts_dynamic = new DynamicTypeSupport(type);
DDS::ReturnCode_t ret = ts_dynamic->register_type(participant, "");

Creating and Using a DynamicDataWriter or DynamicDataReader#

Following the steps in Obtaining DynamicType and Registering TypeSupport, a DynamicTypeSupport object is registered with the domain participant. The type name used to register with the participant may be the default type name (used when an empty string is passed to the register_type operation), or some other type name. If the default type name was used, the application can access that name by invoking the get_type_name operation on the TypeSupport object.

The registered type name is then used as one of the input parameters to create_topic, just like when creating a topic for the Plain (non-Dynamic) Language Binding. Once a Topic object exists, create a DataWriter or DataReader using this Topic. They can be narrowed to the DynamicDataWriter or DynamicDataReader IDL interface:

DDS::DynamicDataWriter_var w = DDS::DynamicDataWriter::_narrow(writer);
DDS::DynamicDataReader_var r = DDS::DynamicDataReader::_narrow(reader);

The IDL interfaces are defined in dds/DdsDynamicTypeSupport.idl in OpenDDS. They provides the same operations as any other DataWriter or DataReader, but with DynamicData as their data type. See Populating Data Samples With DynamicData for details on creating DynamicData objects for use with the DynamicDataWriter interface. See Interpreting Data Samples with DynamicData for details on using DynamicData objects obtained from the DynamicDataReader interface.

Limitations of the Dynamic Language Binding#

The Dynamic Language Binding doesn’t currently support:

  • Access from Java applications

  • Content-Subscription Profile features (Content-Filtered Topics, Multi Topics, Query Conditions)

  • XCDRv1 Data Representation

  • Constructing types at runtime

Unimplemented Features#

OpenDDS implements the XTypes specification at the Basic Conformance level, with a partial implementation of the Dynamic Language Binding (supported features of which are described in Dynamic Language Binding). Specific unimplemented features listed below. The two optional profiles, XTypes 1.1 Interoperability (XCDR1) and XML, are not implemented.

XCDR1 Support#

Pre-XTypes standard CDR is fully supported, but the XTypes-specific features are not fully supported and should be avoided. Types can be marked as final or appendable, but all types should be treated as if they were final. Nothing should be marked as mutable. Readers and writers of topic types that are mutable or contain nested types that are mutable will fail to initialize.

Type System#

  • IDL map type

  • IDL bitmask type

  • Struct and union inheritance


IDL4 defines many standardized annotations and XTypes uses some of them. The Annotations recognized by XTypes are in Table 21 in DDS XTypes v1.3 Using Built-in Annotations. Of those listed in that table, the following are not supported in OpenDDS. They are listed in groups defined by the rows of that table. Some annotations in that table, and not listed here, can only be used with new capabilities of the Type System.

  • Struct members

    • @optional

    • @must_understand

    • @non_serialized

  • Struct or union members

    • @external

  • Enums

    • @bit_bound

    • @default_literal

    • @value

  • @verbatim

  • @data_representation

Differences from the specification#