Getting Started

Using DCPS

This section focuses on an example application using DCPS to distribute data from a single publisher process to a single subscriber process. It is based on a simple messenger application where a single publisher publishes messages and a single subscriber subscribes to them. We use the default QoS properties and the default TCP/IP transport. Full source code for this example may be found under the DevGuideExamples/DCPS/Messenger/ directory. Additional DDS and DCPS features are discussed in later sections.

Defining Data Types with IDL

In this example, data types for topics will be defined using the OMG Interface Definition Language (IDL). For details on how to build OpenDDS applications that don’t use IDL for topic data types, see DynamicDataWriters and DynamicDataReaders.

Identifying Topic Types

Each data type used by DDS is defined using OMG Interface Definition Language (IDL). OpenDDS uses IDL annotations [1] to identify the data types that it transmits and processes. These data types are processed by the TAO IDL compiler and the OpenDDS IDL compiler to generate the necessary code to transmit data of these types with OpenDDS. Here is the IDL file that defines our Message data type:

module Messenger {

  struct Message {
    string from;
    string subject;
    @key long subject_id;
    string text;
    long count;

The @topic annotation marks a data type that can be used as a topic’s type. This must be a structure or a union. The structure or union may contain basic types (short, long, float, etc. ), enumerations, strings, sequences, arrays, structures, and unions. See IDL Compliance for more details on the use of IDL for OpenDDS topic types. The IDL above defines the structure Message in the Messenger module for use in this example.


The @key annotation identifies a field that is used as a key for this topic type. A topic type may have zero or more key fields. These keys are used to identify different DDS Instances within a topic. Keys can be of scalar type, structures or unions containing key fields, or arrays of any of these constructs.

Multiple keys are specified with separate @key annotations. In the above example, we identify the subject_id member of Messenger::Message as a key. Each sample published with a unique subject_id value will be defined as belonging to a different DDS Instance within the same topic. Since we are using the default QoS policies, subsequent samples with the same subject_id value are treated as replacement values for that DDS Instance.

@key can be applied to a structure field of the following types:

  • Any primitive, such as booleans, integers, characters, and strings.

  • Other structures that have a defined key or set of keys. For example:

struct StructA {
  @key long key;

struct StructB {
  @key StructA main_info;
  long other_info;

struct StructC {
  @key StructA keya; // keya.key is one key
  @key StructB keyb; // keyb.main_info.key is another
  DDS::OctetSeq data;

In this example, every type from the key marked on the topic type down to what primitive data types to use as the key is annotated with @key. That isn’t strictly necessary though, as the next section shows.

  • Other structures that don’t have any defined keys. In the following example, it’s implied that all the fields in InnerStruct are keys.

struct InnerStruct {
  long a;
  short b;
  char c;

struct OuterStruct {
  @key InnerStruct value;
  // value.a, value.b, and value.c are all keys

If none of the fields in a struct are marked with @key or @key(TRUE), then when the struct is used in another struct and marked as a key, all the fields in the struct are assumed to keys. Fields marked with @key(FALSE) are always excluded from being a key, such as in this example:

struct InnerStruct {
  long a;
  short b;
  @key(FALSE) char c;

struct OuterStruct {
  @key InnerStruct value;
  // Now just value.a and value.b are the keys
  • Unions can also be used as keys if their discriminator is marked as a key. There is an example of a keyed union topic type in the next section, but keep in mind a union being used as a key doesn’t have to be a topic type.

  • Arrays of any of the previous data types. @key can’t be applied to sequences, even if the base type would be valid in an array. Also @key, when applied to arrays, it makes every element in the array part of the key. They can’t be applied to individual array elements.

Union Topic Types

Unions can be used as topic types. Here is an example:

enum TypeKind {

union MyUnionType switch (@key TypeKind) {
  string string_value;
  long long_value;
  float float_value;

Unions can be keyed like structures, but only the union discriminator can be a key, so the set of possible DDS Instances of topics using keyed unions are values of the discriminator. Designating a key for a union topic type is done by putting @key before the discriminator type like in the example above. Like structures, it is also possible to have no key fields, in which case @key would be omitted and there would be only one DDS Instance.

Topic Types vs. Nested Types

In addition to @topic, the set of IDL types OpenDDS can use can also be controlled using @nested and @default_nested. Types that are “nested” are the opposite of topic types; they can’t be used for the top-level type of a topic, but they can be nested inside the top-level type (at any level of nesting). All types are nested by default in OpenDDS to reduce the code generated for type support, but there a number of ways to change this:

  • The type can be annotated with @topic (see Identifying Topic Types), or with @nested(FALSE), which is equivalent to @topic.

  • The enclosing module can be annotated with @default_nested(FALSE).

  • The global default for opendds_idl can be changed by adding --no-default-nested, in which case it would be as if all valid types were marked with @topic. If desired for IDL compatibility with other DDS implementations or based on preference, this can be done through the build system:

In cases where the module default is not nested, you can reverse this by using @nested or @nested(TRUE) for structures/unions and @default_nested or @default_nested(TRUE) for modules. NOTE: the @topic annotation doesn’t take a boolean argument, so @topic(FALSE) would cause an error in the OpenDDS IDL Compiler.

Processing the IDL

This section uses the OMG IDL-to-C++ mapping (“C++ classic”) as part of the walk-through. OpenDDS also supports the OMG IDL-to-C++11 mapping, see Using the IDL-to-C++11 Mapping for details.

The OpenDDS IDL is first processed by the TAO IDL compiler.

tao_idl Messenger.idl

In addition, we need to process the IDL file with the OpenDDS IDL compiler to generate the serialization and key support code that OpenDDS requires to marshal and demarshal the Message, as well as the type support code for the data readers and writers. This IDL compiler is located in bin and generates three files for each IDL file processed. The three files all begin with the original IDL file name and would appear as follows:

  • <filename>TypeSupport.idl

  • <filename>TypeSupportImpl.h

  • <filename>TypeSupportImpl.cpp

For example, running opendds_idl as follows

opendds_idl Messenger.idl

generates MessengerTypeSupport.idl, MessengerTypeSupportImpl.h, and MessengerTypeSupportImpl.cpp. The IDL file contains the MessageTypeSupport, MessageDataWriter, and MessageDataReader interface definitions. These are type-specific DDS interfaces that we use later to register our data type with the domain, publish samples of that data type, and receive published samples. The implementation files contain implementations for these interfaces. The generated IDL file should itself be compiled with the TAO IDL compiler to generate stubs and skeletons. These and the implementation file should be linked with your OpenDDS applications that use the Message type. The OpenDDS IDL compiler has a number of options that specialize the generated code. These options are described in opendds_idl.

Typically, you do not directly invoke the TAO or OpenDDS IDL compilers as above, but let your build system do it for you. Two different build systems are supported for projects that use OpenDDS:

  • MPC, the “Make Project Creator” which is used to build OpenDDS itself and the majority of its included tests and examples

  • CMake, a build system that’s commonly used across the industry

Even if you will eventually use some custom build system that’s not one of the two listed above, start by building an example OpenDDS application using one of the supported build systems and then migrate the code generator command lines, compiler options, etc., to the custom build system.

The remainder of this section will assume MPC. For more details on using CMake, see the Using OpenDDS in a CMake Project.

The code generation process is simplified when using MPC, by inheriting from the dcps base project. Here is the MPC file section common to both the publisher and subscriber

project(*idl): dcps {
  // This project ensures the common components get built first.

  TypeSupport_Files {
  custom_only = 1

The dcps parent project adds the Type Support custom build rules. The TypeSupport_Files section above tells MPC to generate the Message type support files from Messenger.idl using the OpenDDS IDL complier. Here is the publisher section:

project(*Publisher): dcpsexe_with_tcp {
  exename = publisher
  after  += *idl

  TypeSupport_Files {

  Source_Files {

The dcpsexe_with_tcp project links in the DCPS library.

For completeness, here is the subscriber section of the MPC file:

project(*Subscriber): dcpsexe_with_tcp {

  exename = subscriber
  after  += *idl

  TypeSupport_Files {

  Source_Files {

A Simple Message Publisher

In this section we describe the steps involved in setting up a simple OpenDDS publication process. The code is broken into logical sections and explained as we present each section. We omit some uninteresting sections of the code (such as #include directives, error handling, and cross-process synchronization). The full source code for this sample publisher is found in the Publisher.cpp and Writer.cpp files in DevGuideExamples/DCPS/Messenger/.

Initializing the Participant

The first section of main() initializes the current process as an OpenDDS participant.

int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
  try {
    DDS::DomainParticipantFactory_var dpf =
      TheParticipantFactoryWithArgs(argc, argv);
    DDS::DomainParticipant_var participant =
      dpf->create_participant(42, // domain ID
                              0,  // No listener required
    if (!participant) {
      std::cerr << "create_participant failed." << std::endl;
      return 1;
    // ...

The TheParticipantFactoryWithArgs macro is defined in Service_Participant.h and initializes the Domain Participant Factory with the command line arguments. These command line arguments are used to initialize the ORB that the OpenDDS service uses as well as the service itself. This allows us to pass ORB_init() options on the command line as well as OpenDDS configuration options of the form -DCPS*. Available OpenDDS options are fully described in Run-time Configuration.

The create_participant() operation uses the domain participant factory to register this process as a participant in the domain specified by the ID of 42. The participant uses the default QoS policies and no listeners. Use of the OpenDDS default status mask ensures all relevant communication status changes (e.g., data available, liveliness lost) in the middleware are communicated to the application (e.g., via callbacks on listeners).

Users may define any number of domains using IDs in the range (0x0 ~ 0x7FFFFFFF). All other values are reserved for internal use by the implementation.

The Domain Participant object reference returned is then used to register our Message data type.

Registering the Data Type and Creating a Topic

First, we create a MessageTypeSupportImpl object, then register the type with a type name using the register_type() operation. In this example, we register the type with a nil string type name, which causes the MessageTypeSupport interface repository identifier to be used as the type name. A specific type name such as “Message” can be used as well.

Messenger::MessageTypeSupport_var mts =
  new Messenger::MessageTypeSupportImpl();
if (DDS::RETCODE_OK != mts->register_type(participant, "")) {
  std::cerr << "register_type failed." << std::endl;
  return 1;

Next, we obtain the registered type name from the type support object and create the topic by passing the type name to the participant in the create_topic() operation.

CORBA::String_var type_name = mts->get_type_name ();

DDS::Topic_var topic =
  participant->create_topic ("Movie Discussion List",
                             0,  // No listener required
if (!topic) {
  std::cerr << "create_topic failed." << std::endl;
  return 1;

We have created a topic named “Movie Discussion List” with the registered type and the default QoS policies.

Creating a Publisher

Now, we are ready to create the publisher with the default publisher QoS.

DDS::Publisher_var pub =
                                0,  // No listener required
if (!pub) {
  std::cerr << "create_publisher failed." << std::endl;
  return 1;

Creating a DataWriter and Waiting for the Subscriber

With the publisher in place, we create the data writer.

// Create the datawriter
  DDS::DataWriter_var writer =
                           0,  // No listener required
  if (!writer) {
    std::cerr << "create_datawriter failed." << std::endl;
    return 1;

When we create the data writer we pass the topic object reference, the default QoS policies, and a null listener reference. We now narrow the data writer reference to a MessageDataWriter object reference so we can use the type-specific publication operations.

Messenger::MessageDataWriter_var message_writer =

The example code uses conditions and wait sets so the publisher waits for the subscriber to become connected and fully initialized. In a simple example like this, failure to wait for the subscriber may cause the publisher to publish its samples before the subscriber is connected.

The basic steps involved in waiting for the subscriber are:

  • Get the status condition from the data writer we created

  • Enable the Publication Matched status in the condition

  • Create a wait set

  • Attach the status condition to the wait set

  • Get the publication matched status

  • If the current count of matches is one or more, detach the condition from the wait set and proceed to publication

  • Wait on the wait set (can be bounded by a specified period of time)

  • Loop back around to step 5)

Here is the corresponding code:

// Block until Subscriber is available
DDS::StatusCondition_var condition = writer->get_statuscondition();

DDS::WaitSet_var ws = new DDS::WaitSet;

while (true) {
  DDS::PublicationMatchedStatus matches;
  if (writer->get_publication_matched_status(matches) != DDS::RETCODE_OK) {
    std::cerr << "get_publication_matched_status failed!"
              << std::endl;
    return 1;

  if (matches.current_count >= 1) {

  DDS::ConditionSeq conditions;
  DDS::Duration_t timeout = { 60, 0 };
  if (ws->wait(conditions, timeout) != DDS::RETCODE_OK) {
    std::cerr << "wait failed!" << std::endl;
    return 1;



For more details about status, conditions, and wait sets, see Conditions and Listeners.

Sample Publication

The message publication is quite straightforward:

// Write samples
Messenger::Message message;
message.subject_id = 99;
message.from = "Comic Book Guy";
message.subject = "Review";
message.text = "Worst. Movie. Ever.";
message.count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
  DDS::ReturnCode_t error = message_writer->write(message, DDS::HANDLE_NIL);
  if (error != DDS::RETCODE_OK) {
    // Log or otherwise handle the error condition
    return 1;

For each loop iteration, calling write() causes a message to be distributed to all connected subscribers that are registered for our topic. Since the subject_id is the key for Message, each time subject_id is incremented and write() is called, a new instance is created (see Topic). The second argument to write() specifies the instance on which we are publishing the sample. It should be passed either a handle returned by register_instance() or DDS::HANDLE_NIL. Passing a DDS::HANDLE_NIL value indicates that the data writer should determine the instance by inspecting the key of the sample. See Registering and Using Instances in the Publisher for details on using instance handles during publication.

Setting up the Subscriber

Much of the subscriber’s code is identical or analogous to the publisher that we just finished exploring. We will progress quickly through the similar parts and refer you to the discussion above for details. The full source code for this sample subscriber is found in the Subscriber.cpp and DataReaderListener.cpp files in DevGuideExamples/DCPS/Messenger/.

Initializing the Participant

The beginning of the subscriber is identical to the publisher as we initialize the service and join our domain:

int main (int argc, char *argv[])
 try {
    DDS::DomainParticipantFactory_var dpf =
      TheParticipantFactoryWithArgs(argc, argv);
    DDS::DomainParticipant_var participant =
      dpf->create_participant(42, // Domain ID
                              0,  // No listener required
    if (!participant) {
      std::cerr << "create_participant failed." << std::endl;
      return 1;

Registering the Data Type and Creating a Topic

Next, we initialize the message type and topic. Note that if the topic has already been initialized in this domain with the same data type and compatible QoS, the create_topic() invocation returns a reference corresponding to the existing topic. If the type or QoS specified in our create_topic() invocation do not match that of the existing topic then the invocation fails. There is also a find_topic() operation our subscriber could use to simply retrieve an existing topic.

Messenger::MessageTypeSupport_var mts =
  new Messenger::MessageTypeSupportImpl();
if (DDS::RETCODE_OK != mts->register_type(participant, "")) {
  std::cerr << "Failed to register the MessageTypeSupport." << std::endl;
  return 1;

CORBA::String_var type_name = mts->get_type_name();

DDS::Topic_var topic =
  participant->create_topic("Movie Discussion List",
                            0,  // No listener required
if (!topic) {
  std::cerr << "Failed to create_topic." << std::endl;
  return 1;

Creating the subscriber

Next, we create the subscriber with the default QoS.

// Create the subscriber
DDS::Subscriber_var sub =
                                 0,  // No listener required
if (!sub) {
  std::cerr << "Failed to create_subscriber." << std::endl;
  return 1;

Creating a DataReader and Listener

We need to associate a listener object with the data reader we create, so we can use it to detect when data is available. The code below constructs the listener object. The DataReaderListenerImpl class is shown in the next subsection.

DDS::DataReaderListener_var listener(new DataReaderListenerImpl);

The listener is allocated on the heap and assigned to a DataReaderListener_var object. This type provides reference counting behavior so the listener is automatically cleaned up when the last reference to it is removed. This usage is typical for heap allocations in OpenDDS application code and frees the application developer from having to actively manage the lifespan of the allocated objects.

Now we can create the data reader and associate it with our topic, the default QoS properties, and the listener object we just created.

// Create the Datareader
DDS::DataReader_var dr =
if (!dr) {
  std::cerr << "create_datareader failed." << std::endl;
  return 1;

This thread is now free to perform other application work. Our listener object will be called on an OpenDDS thread when a sample is available.

The Data Reader Listener Implementation

Our listener class implements the DDS::DataReaderListener interface defined by the DDS specification. The DataReaderListener is wrapped within a DCPS::LocalObject which resolves ambiguously-inherited members such as _narrow and _ptr_type. The interface defines a number of operations we must implement, each of which is invoked to inform us of different events. The OpenDDS::DCPS::DataReaderListener defines operations for OpenDDS’s special needs such as disconnecting and reconnected event updates. Here is the interface definition:

module DDS {
  local interface DataReaderListener : Listener {
    void on_requested_deadline_missed(in DataReader reader,
                                      in RequestedDeadlineMissedStatus status);
    void on_requested_incompatible_qos(in DataReader reader,
                                      in RequestedIncompatibleQosStatus status);
    void on_sample_rejected(in DataReader reader,
                            in SampleRejectedStatus status);
    void on_liveliness_changed(in DataReader reader,
                               in LivelinessChangedStatus status);
    void on_data_available(in DataReader reader);
    void on_subscription_matched(in DataReader reader,
                                 in SubscriptionMatchedStatus status);
    void on_sample_lost(in DataReader reader, in SampleLostStatus status);

Our example listener class stubs out most of these listener operations with simple print statements. The only operation that is really needed for this example is on_data_available() and it is the only member function of this class we need to explore.

void DataReaderListenerImpl::on_data_available(DDS::DataReader_ptr reader)

  try {
    Messenger::MessageDataReader_var reader_i =
    if (!reader_i) {
      std::cerr << "read: _narrow failed." << std::endl;

The code above narrows the generic data reader passed into the listener to the type-specific MessageDataReader interface. The following code takes the next sample from the message reader. If the take is successful and returns valid data, we print out each of the message’s fields.

Messenger::Message message;
DDS::SampleInfo si;
DDS::ReturnCode_t status = reader_i->take_next_sample(message, si);

if (status == DDS::RETCODE_OK) {
  if (si.valid_data) {
      std::cout << "Message: subject = " << << std::endl
        << "  subject_id = " << message.subject_id << std::endl
        << "  from = " << << std::endl
        << "  count = " << message.count << std::endl
        << "  text = " << << std::endl;
  } else if (si.instance_state == DDS::NOT_ALIVE_DISPOSED_INSTANCE_STATE) {
    std::cout << "instance is disposed" << std::endl;
  } else if (si.instance_state == DDS::NOT_ALIVE_NO_WRITERS_INSTANCE_STATE) {
    std::cout << "instance is unregistered" << std::endl;
  } else {
    std::cerr << "ERROR: received unknown instance state "
              << si.instance_state << std::endl;
} else if (status == DDS::RETCODE_NO_DATA) {
    cerr << "ERROR: reader received DDS::RETCODE_NO_DATA!" << std::endl;
} else {
    cerr << "ERROR: read Message: Error: " << status << std::endl;

Note the sample read may contain invalid data. The valid_data flag indicates if the sample has valid data. There are two samples with invalid data delivered to the listener callback for notification purposes. One is the dispose notification, which is received when the DataWriter calls dispose() explicitly. The other is the unregistered notification, which is received when the DataWriter calls unregister() explicitly. The dispose notification is delivered with the instance state set to NOT_ALIVE_DISPOSED_INSTANCE_STATE and the unregister notification is delivered with the instance state set to NOT_ALIVE_NO_WRITERS_INSTANCE_STATE.

If additional samples are available, the service calls this function again. However, reading values a single sample at a time is not the most efficient way to process incoming data. The Data Reader interface provides a number of different options for processing data in a more efficient manner. We discuss some of these operations in Data Handling Optimizations.

Cleaning up in OpenDDS Clients

After we are finished in the publisher and subscriber, we can use the following code to clean up the OpenDDS-related objects:


The domain participant’s delete_contained_entities() operation deletes all the topics, subscribers, and publishers created with that participant. Once this is done, we can use the domain participant factory to delete our domain participant.

Since the publication and subscription of data within DDS is decoupled, data is not guaranteed to be delivered if a publication is disassociated (shutdown) prior to all data that has been sent having been received by the subscriptions. If the application requires that all published data be received, the wait_for_acknowledgments() operation is available to allow the publication to wait until all written data has been received. Data readers must have Reliability QoS set to RELIABLE_RELIABILITY_QOS (which is the default) in order for wait_for_acknowledgments() to work. This operation is called on individual DataWriters and includes a timeout value to bound the time to wait. The following code illustrates the use of wait_for_acknowledgments() to block for up to 15 seconds to wait for subscriptions to acknowledge receipt of all written data:

DDS::Duration_t shutdown_delay = {15, 0};
DDS::ReturnCode_t result;
result = writer->wait_for_acknowledgments(shutdown_delay);
if (result != DDS::RETCODE_OK) {
  std::cerr << "Failed while waiting for acknowledgment of "
            << "data being received by subscriptions, some data "
            << "may not have been delivered." << std::endl;

Running the Example

We are now ready to run our simple example. Running each of these commands in its own window should enable you to most easily understand the output.

First we will start a DCPSInfoRepo service so our publishers and subscribers can find one another.


This step is not necessary if you are using peer-to-peer discovery by configuring your environment to use RTPS discovery.

The DCPSInfoRepo executable is found in bin/DCPSInfoRepo. When we start the DCPSInfoRepo we need to ensure that publisher and subscriber application processes can also find the started DCPSInfoRepo. This information can be provided in one of three ways:

  1. Pass arguments on the command line.

  2. Connection info generated and placed in a shared file for applications to use.

  3. Options put in a configuration file for other processes to use.

For our simple example here we will use option 2 by generating the location properties of the DCPSInfoRepo into a file so that our simple publisher and subscriber can read it in and connect to it.

From your current directory type:

$DDS_ROOT/bin/DCPSInfoRepo -o simple.ior
%DDS_ROOT%\bin\DCPSInfoRepo -o simple.ior

The -o parameter instructs the DCPSInfoRepo to generate its connection information to the file simple.ior for use by the publisher and subscriber. In a separate window navigate to the same directory that contains the simple.ior file and start the subscriber application in our example by typing:

./subscriber -DCPSInfoRepo file://simple.ior
subscriber -DCPSInfoRepo file://simple.ior

The command line parameters direct the application to use the specified file to locate the DCPSInfoRepo. Our subscriber is now waiting for messages to be sent, so we will now start the publisher in a separate window with the same parameters:

./publisher -DCPSInfoRepo file://simple.ior
publisher -DCPSInfoRepo file://simple.ior

The publisher connects to the DCPSInfoRepo to find the location of any subscribers and begins to publish messages as well as write them to the console. In the subscriber window, you should also now be seeing console output from the subscriber that is reading messages from the topic demonstrating a simple publish and subscribe application.

You can read more about configuring your application for RTPS and other more advanced configuration options in Configuring for RTPS Discovery and RTPS UDP Transport Configuration Properties . See Discovery Configuration and The DCPS Information Repository for configuring and using the DCPSInfoRepo . See Quality of Service for setting and using QoS features that modify the behavior of your application.

Running Our Example with RTPS

The prior OpenDDS example has demonstrated how to build and execute an OpenDDS application using basic OpenDDS configurations and centralized discovery using the DCPSInfoRepo service. The following details what is needed to run the same example using RTPS for discovery and with an interoperable transport. This is important in scenarios when your OpenDDS application needs to interoperate with a non-OpenDDS implementation of the DDS specification or if you do not want to use centralized discovery in your deployment of OpenDDS.

The coding and building of the Messenger example above is not changed for using RTPS, so you will not need to modify or rebuild your publisher and subscriber services. This is a strength of the OpenDDS architecture in that to enable the RTPS capabilities, it is an exercise in configuration. For this exercise, we will enable RTPS for the Messenger example using a configuration file that the publisher and subscriber will share. More details concerning the configuration of all the available transports including RTPS are described in Run-time Configuration.

Navigate to the directory where your publisher and subscriber have been built. Create a new text file named rtps.ini and populate it with the following content:



The two lines of interest are the one that sets the discovery method and the one that sets the data transport protocol to RTPS.

Now lets re-run our example with RTPS enabled by starting the subscriber process first and then the publisher to begin sending data. It is best to start them in separate windows to see the two working separately.

Start the subscriber with the -DCPSConfigFile command line parameter to point to the newly created configuration file…

./subscriber -DCPSConfigFile rtps.ini
subscriber -DCPSConfigFile rtps.ini

Now start the publisher with the same parameter…

./publisher -DCPSConfigFile rtps.ini
publisher -DCPSConfigFile rtps.ini

Since there is no centralized discovery in the RTPS specification, there are provisions to allow for wait times to allow discovery to occur. The specification sets the default to 30 seconds. When the two above processes are started there may be up to a 30 second delay depending on how far apart they are started from each other. This time can be adjusted in OpenDDS configuration files and is discussed in Configuring for RTPS Discovery.

Because the architecture of OpenDDS allows for pluggable discovery and pluggable transports the two configuration entries called out in the rtps.ini file above can be changed independently with one using RTPS and the other not using RTPS (e.g. centralized discovery using DCPSInfoRepo). Setting them both to RTPS in our example makes this application fully interoperable with other non-OpenDDS implementations.

Data Handling Optimizations

Registering and Using Instances in the Publisher

The previous example implicitly specifies the instance it is publishing via the sample’s data fields. When write() is called, the data writer queries the sample’s key fields to determine the instance. The publisher also has the option to explicitly register the instance by calling register_instance() on the data writer:

Messenger::Message message;
message.subject_id = 99;
DDS::InstanceHandle_t handle = message_writer->register_instance(message);

After we populate the Message structure we called the register_instance() function to register the instance. The instance is identified by the subject_id value of 99 (because we earlier specified that field as the key).

We can later use the returned instance handle when we publish a sample:

DDS::ReturnCode_t ret = data_writer->write(message, handle);

Publishing samples using the instance handle may be slightly more efficient than forcing the writer to query for the instance and is much more efficient when publishing the first sample on an instance. Without explicit registration, the first write causes resource allocation by OpenDDS for that instance.

Because resource limitations can cause instance registration to fail, many applications consider registration as part of setting up the publisher and always do it when initializing the data writer.

Reading Multiple Samples

The DDS specification provides a number of operations for reading and writing data samples. In the examples above we used the take_next_sample() operation, to read the next sample and “take” ownership of it from the reader. The Message Data Reader also has the following take operations.

  • take() – Take a sequence of up to max_samples values from the reader

  • take_instance() – Take a sequence of values for a specified instance

  • take_next_instance() – Take a sequence of samples belonging to the same instance, without specifying the instance.

There are also “read” operations corresponding to each of these “take” operations that obtain the same values, but leave the samples in the reader and simply mark them as read in the SampleInfo.

Since these other operations read a sequence of values, they are more efficient when samples are arriving quickly. Here is a sample call to take() that reads up to 5 samples at a time.

MessageSeq messages(5);
DDS::SampleInfoSeq sampleInfos(5);
DDS::ReturnCode_t status = message_dr->take(messages,

The three state parameters potentially specialize which samples are returned from the reader. See the DDS specification for details on their usage.

Zero-Copy Read

The read and take operations that return a sequence of samples provide the user with the option of obtaining a copy of the samples (single-copy read) or a reference to the samples (zero-copy read). The zero-copy read can have significant performance improvements over the single-copy read for large sample types. Testing has shown that samples of 8KB or less do not gain much by using zero-copy reads but there is little performance penalty for using zero-copy on small samples.

The application developer can specify the use of the zero-copy read optimization by calling take() or read() with a sample sequence constructed with a max_len of zero. The message sequence and sample info sequence constructors both take max_len as their first parameter and specify a default value of zero. The following example code is taken from DevGuideExamples/DCPS/Messenger_ZeroCopy/DataReaderListenerImpl.cpp:

Messenger::MessageSeq messages;
DDS::SampleInfoSeq info;

// get references to the samples (zero-copy read of the samples)
DDS::ReturnCode_t status = dr->take(messages,

After both zero-copy takes/reads and single-copy takes/reads, the sample and info sequences’ length are set to the number of samples read. For the zero-copy reads, the max_len is set to a value >= length.

Since the application code has asked for a zero-copy loan of the data, it must return that loan when it is finished with the data:

dr->return_loan(messages, info);

Calling return_loan() results in the sequences’ max_len being set to 0 and its owns member set to false, allowing the same sequences to be used for another zero-copy read.

If the first parameter of the data sample sequence constructor and info sequence constructor were changed to a value greater than zero, then the sample values returned would be copies. When values are copied, the application developer has the option of calling return_loan(), but is not required to do so.

If the max_len (the first) parameter of the sequence constructor is not specified, it defaults to 0; hence using zero-copy reads. Because of this default, a sequence will automatically call return_loan() on itself when it is destroyed. To conform with the DDS specification and be portable to other implementations of DDS, applications should not rely on this automatic return_loan() feature.

The second parameter to the sample and info sequences is the maximum slots available in the sequence. If the read() or take() operation’s max_samples parameter is larger than this value, then the maximum samples returned by read() or take() will be limited by this parameter of the sequence constructor.

Although the application can change the length of a zero-copy sequence, by calling the length(len) operation, you are advised against doing so because this call results in copying the data and creating a single-copy sequence of samples.
