Java Bindings


OpenDDS provides JNI bindings. Java applications can make use of the complete OpenDDS middleware just like C++ applications.

See the java/INSTALL file for information on getting started, including the prerequisites and dependencies.

Java versions 9 and up use the Java Platform Module System. To use OpenDDS with one of these Java versions, set the MPC feature java_pre_jpms to 0. OpenDDS’s configure script will attempt to detect the Java version and set this automatically.

See the java/FAQ file for information on common issues encountered while developing applications with the Java bindings.

IDL and Code Generation

The OpenDDS Java binding is more than just a library that lives in one or two .jar files. The DDS specification defines the interaction between a DDS application and the DDS middleware. In particular, DDS applications send and receive messages that are strongly-typed and those types are defined by the application developer in IDL.

In order for the application to interact with the middleware in terms of these user-defined types, code must be generated at compile-time based on this IDL. C++, Java, and even some additional IDL code is generated. In most cases, application developers do not need to be concerned with the details of all the generated files. Scripts included with OpenDDS automate this process so that the end result is a native library (.so or .dll) and a Java library (.jar or just a classes directory) that together contain all of the generated code.

Below is a description of the generated files and which tools generate them. In this example, Foo.idl contains a single struct Bar contained in module Baz (IDL modules are similar to C++ namespaces and Java packages). To the right of each file name is the name of the tool that generates it, followed by some notes on its purpose.

Generated files descriptions


Generation Tool


Developer-written description of the DDS sample type

Foo{C,S}. {h,inl,cpp}

tao_idl: C++ representation of the IDL


opendds_idl: DDS type-specific interfaces

FooTypeSupport{C,S}. {h,inl,cpp}







idl2jni (except TypeSupportImpl, see below)

FooTypeSupportJC. {h,cpp}

idl2jni: JNI native method implementations

FooTypeSupportImpl. {h,cpp}

opendds_idl: DDS type-specific C++ impl.


opendds_idl: DDS type-specific Java impl.


idl2jni: Java representation of IDL struct

FooJC. {h,cpp}

idl2jni: JNI native method implementations


module Baz {
  struct Bar {
    long x;

Setting up an OpenDDS Java Project

These instructions assume you have completed the installation steps in the java/INSTALL document, including having the various environment variables defined.

  1. Start with an empty directory that will be used for your IDL and the code generated from it. java/tests/messenger/messenger_idl/ is set up this way.

  2. Create an IDL file describing the data structure you will be using with OpenDDS. See Messenger.idl for an example. This file will contain at least struct/union annotated with @topic. For the sake of these instructions, we will call the file Foo.idl.

  3. The C++ generated classes will be packaged in a shared library to be loaded at run-time by the JVM. This requires the packaged classes to be exported for external visibility. ACE provides a utility script for generating the correct export macros. The script usage is shown here:

    $ACE_ROOT/bin/ Foo > Foo_Export.h
    %ACE_ROOT%\bin\ Foo > Foo_Export.h
  4. Create an MPC file, Foo.mpc, from this template:

    project: dcps_java {
      idlflags += -Wb,stub_export_include=Foo_Export.h \
      dcps_ts_flags += -Wb,export_macro=Foo_Export
      idl2jniflags += -Wb,stub_export_include=Foo_Export.h \
      dynamicflags += FOO_BUILD_DLL
      specific {
        jarname = DDS_Foo_types
     TypeSupport_Files {

    You can leave out the specific {...} block if you do not need to create a jar file. In this case you can directly use the Java .class files which will be generated under the classes subdirectory of the current directory.

  5. Run MPC to generate platform-specific build files.

    $ACE_ROOT/bin/ -type gnuace
    %ACE_ROOT%\bin\ -type [CompilerType]

    CompilerType can be any supported MPC type (such as “vs2019”)

    Make sure this is running ActiveState Perl or Strawberry Perl.

  6. Compile the generated C++ and Java code


    Build the generated .sln (Solution) file using your preferred method. This can be either the Visual Studio IDE or one of the command-line tools. If you use the IDE, start it from a command prompt using devenv so that it inherits the environment variables. Command-line tools for building include ms build and invoking the IDE (devenv) with the appropriate arguments.

    When this completes successfully you have a native library and a Java .jar file. The native library names are Foo.dll (Release) or Food.dll (Debug) on Windows and on Linux.

    You can change the locations of these libraries (including the .jar file) by adding a line such as the following to the Foo.mpc file:

    libout = $(PROJECT_ROOT)/lib

    where PROJECT_ROOT can be any environment variable defined at build-time.

  7. You now have all of the Java and C++ code needed to compile and run a Java OpenDDS application. The generated .jar file needs to be added to your classpath, along with the .jar files that come from OpenDDS (in the lib directory). The generated C++ library needs to be available for loading at run-time:

    Add the directory containing to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

    Add the directory containing Foo.dll (or Food.dll) to the PATH. If you are using the debug version (Food.dll) you will need to inform the OpenDDS middleware that it should not look for Foo.dll. To do this, add -Dopendds.native.debug=1 to the Java VM arguments.

    See the publisher and subscriber directories in java/tests/messenger/ for examples of publishing and subscribing applications using the OpenDDS Java bindings.

  8. If you make subsequent changes to Foo.idl, start by re-running MPC (step #5 above). This is needed because certain changes to Foo.idl will affect which files are generated and need to be compiled.

A Simple Message Publisher

This section presents a simple OpenDDS Java publishing process. The complete code for this can be found at java/tests/messenger/publisher/ Uninteresting segments such as imports and error handling have been omitted here. The code has been broken down and explained in logical subsections.

Initializing the Participant

DDS applications are boot-strapped by obtaining an initial reference to the Participant Factory. A call to the static method TheParticipantFactory.WithArgs() returns a Factory reference. This also transparently initializes the C++ Participant Factory. We can then create Participants for specific domains.

public static void main(String[] args) {

    DomainParticipantFactory dpf =
        TheParticipantFactory.WithArgs(new StringSeqHolder(args));
    if (dpf == null) {
      System.err.println ("Domain Participant Factory not found");
    final int DOMAIN_ID = 42;
    DomainParticipant dp = dpf.create_participant(DOMAIN_ID,
    if (dp == null) {
      System.err.println ("Domain Participant creation failed");

Object creation failure is indicated by a null return. The third argument to create_participant() takes a Participant events listener. If one is not available, a null can be passed instead as done in our example.

Registering the Data Type and Creating a Topic

Next we register our data type with the DomainParticipant using the register_type() operation. We can specify a type name or pass an empty string. Passing an empty string indicates that the middleware should simply use the identifier generated by the IDL compiler for the type.

MessageTypeSupportImpl servant = new MessageTypeSupportImpl();
if (servant.register_type(dp, "") != RETCODE_OK.value) {
  System.err.println ("register_type failed");

Next we create a topic using the type support servant’s registered name.

Topic top = dp.create_topic("Movie Discussion List",
                            TOPIC_QOS_DEFAULT.get(), null,

Now we have a topic named “Movie Discussion List” with the registered data type and default QoS policies.

Creating a Publisher

Next, we create a publisher:

Publisher pub = dp.create_publisher(

Creating a DataWriter and Registering an Instance

With the publisher, we can now create a DataWriter:

DataWriter dw = pub.create_datawriter(

The DataWriter is for a specific topic. For our example, we use the default DataWriter QoS policies and a null DataWriterListener.

Next, we narrow the generic DataWriter to the type-specific DataWriter and register the instance we wish to publish. In our data definition IDL we had specified the subject_id field as the key, so it needs to be populated with the instance id (99 in our example):

MessageDataWriter mdw = MessageDataWriterHelper.narrow(dw);
Message msg = new Message();
msg.subject_id = 99;
int handle = mdw.register(msg);

Our example waits for any peers to be initialized and connected. It then publishes a few messages which are distributed to any subscribers of this topic in the same domain.

msg.from = "OpenDDS-Java";
msg.subject = "Review";
msg.text = "Worst. Movie. Ever.";
msg.count = 0;
int ret = mdw.write(msg, handle);

Setting up the Subscriber

Much of the initialization code for a subscriber is identical to the publisher. The subscriber needs to create a participant in the same domain, register an identical data type, and create the same named topic.

public static void main(String[] args) {

    DomainParticipantFactory dpf =
        TheParticipantFactory.WithArgs(new StringSeqHolder(args));
    if (dpf == null) {
      System.err.println ("Domain Participant Factory not found");
    DomainParticipant dp = dpf.create_participant(42,
    if (dp == null) {
      System.err.println("Domain Participant creation failed");

    MessageTypeSupportImpl servant = new MessageTypeSupportImpl();
                   if (servant.register_type(dp, "") != RETCODE_OK.value) {
      System.err.println ("register_type failed");
    Topic top = dp.create_topic("Movie Discussion List",
                                TOPIC_QOS_DEFAULT.get(), null,

Creating a Subscriber

As with the publisher, we create a subscriber:

Subscriber sub = dp.create_subscriber(

Creating a DataReader and Listener

Providing a DataReaderListener to the middleware is the simplest way to be notified of the receipt of data and to access the data. We therefore create an instance of a DataReaderListenerImpl and pass it as a DataReader creation parameter:

DataReaderListenerImpl listener = new DataReaderListenerImpl();
 DataReader dr = sub.create_datareader(
   top, DATAREADER_QOS_DEFAULT.get(), listener,

Any incoming messages will be received by the Listener in the middleware’s thread. The application thread is free to perform other tasks at this time.

The DataReader Listener Implementation

The application defined DataReaderListenerImpl needs to implement the specification’s DDS.DataReaderListener interface. OpenDDS provides an abstract class DDS._DataReaderListenerLocalBase. The application’s listener class extends this abstract class and implements the abstract methods to add application-specific functionality.

Our example DataReaderListener stubs out most of the Listener methods. The only method implemented is the message available callback from the middleware:

public class DataReaderListenerImpl extends DDS._DataReaderListenerLocalBase {

    private int num_reads_;

    public synchronized void on_data_available(DDS.DataReader reader) {
        MessageDataReader mdr = MessageDataReaderHelper.narrow(reader);
        if (mdr == null) {
          System.err.println ("read: narrow failed.");

The Listener callback is passed a reference to a generic DataReader. The application narrows it to a type-specific DataReader:

MessageHolder mh = new MessageHolder(new Message());
SampleInfoHolder sih = new SampleInfoHolder(new SampleInfo(0, 0, 0,
    new DDS.Time_t(), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false));
int status  = mdr.take_next_sample(mh, sih);

It then creates holder objects for the actual message and associated SampleInfo and takes the next sample from the DataReader. Once taken, that sample is removed from the DataReader’s available sample pool.

        if (status == RETCODE_OK.value) {

          System.out.println ("SampleInfo.sample_rank = "+ sih.value.sample_rank);
          System.out.println ("SampleInfo.instance_state = "+

          if (sih.value.valid_data) {

            System.out.println("Message: subject    = " + mh.value.subject);
            System.out.println("         subject_id = " + mh.value.subject_id);
            System.out.println("         from       = " + mh.value.from);
            System.out.println("         count      = " + mh.value.count);
            System.out.println("         text       = " + mh.value.text);
            System.out.println("SampleInfo.sample_rank = " +
          else if (sih.value.instance_state ==
                     NOT_ALIVE_DISPOSED_INSTANCE_STATE.value) {
            System.out.println ("instance is disposed");
          else if (sih.value.instance_state ==
                     NOT_ALIVE_NO_WRITERS_INSTANCE_STATE.value) {
            System.out.println ("instance is unregistered");
          else {
            System.out.println ("DataReaderListenerImpl::on_data_available: "+
                                "received unknown instance state "+

        } else if (status == RETCODE_NO_DATA.value) {
          System.err.println ("ERROR: reader received DDS::RETCODE_NO_DATA!");
        } else {
          System.err.println ("ERROR: read Message: Error: "+ status);


The SampleInfo contains meta-information regarding the message such as the message validity, instance state, etc.

Cleaning up OpenDDS Java Clients

An application should clean up its OpenDDS environment with the following steps:


Cleans up all topics, subscribers and publishers associated with that Participant.


The DomainParticipantFactory reclaims any resources associated with the DomainParticipant.


Shuts down the ServiceParticipant. This cleans up all OpenDDS associated resources. Cleaning up these resources is necessary to prevent the DCPSInfoRepo from forming associations between endpoints which no longer exist.

Configuring the Example

OpenDDS offers a file-based configuration mechanism. The syntax of the configuration file is similar to a Windows INI file. The properties are divided into named sections corresponding to common and individual transports configuration.

The Messenger example has common properties for the DCPSInfoRepo objects location and the global transport configuration:


and a transport instance section with a transport type property:


The [transport/1] section contains configuration information for the transport instance named 1. It is defined to be of type tcp. The global transport configuration setting above causes this transport instance to be used by all readers and writers in the process.

See Run-time Configuration for a complete description of all OpenDDS configuration parameters.

Running the Example

To run the Messenger Java OpenDDS application, use the following commands:

$DDS_ROOT/bin/DCPSInfoRepo -o repo.ior

$JAVA_HOME/bin/java -ea -cp classes:$DDS_ROOT/lib/i2jrt.jar:$DDS_ROOT/lib/OpenDDS_DCPS.jar:classes TestPublisher -DCPSConfigFile pub_tcp.ini

$JAVA_HOME/bin/java -ea -cp classes:$DDS_ROOT/lib/i2jrt.jar:$DDS_ROOT/lib/OpenDDS_DCPS.jar:classes TestSubscriber -DCPSConfigFile sub_tcp.ini

The -DCPSConfigFile command-line argument passes the location of the OpenDDS configuration file.

Java Message Service (JMS) Support

OpenDDS provides partial support for JMS version 1.1. Enterprise Java applications can make use of the complete OpenDDS middleware just like standard Java and C++ applications.

See the INSTALL file in the java/jms/ directory for information on getting started with the OpenDDS JMS support, including the prerequisites and dependencies.